Sunday, 24 July 2016

Sex & Gender - Psychodynamic Approach

This theory was created by Freud, who believed that gender identity is related to upbringing rather than biology. Between the ages of 3 and 5 children experience a subconscious attraction to their parent of the opposite sex.

Boys undergo the Oedipus complex. This is a conflict that occurs when boys subconsciously desire their mother but fear their father finding out. They believe that if he finds out, they will castrate them, this is called castration anxiety. The boy then identifies with his father, and adopts masculine behaviour.

Girls undergo the Electra complex. This is a conflict that occurs when girls unconsciously desire their father but worry about losing their mother's love. They blame their mother for their lack of a penis, which is called penis envy. To fulfill this, they desire a baby to act as a penis substitute. As they realize their mother is the same, they identify with her and adopt feminine behaviour.

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